Laser Therapy For Elite Athletes
Laser has completely revolutionised how sports performance therapists can almost instantly reduce muscle tensions and enhance performance - using LLLT to trigger point tight muscles without the bruising normally associated with manual treatment. In a few seconds the correctly positioned powerful laser probe can release an overactive muscle which immediately resumes normal function and any restriction this imbalance may have created. The patient experiences no pain or tenderness during or after the laser treatment session.
World class athletes describe being astounded and delighted by the power of trigger point laser therapy enabling them to perform immediately afterwards with only positive performance benefits.
The Class 3B laser can be used in a variety of ways to help speed the healing process after treatment or injury. Specific probes can be used to provide needle free acupuncture and it can also be used cosmetically to reduce signs of ageing!
How Laser works
The physiological responses to Low Level Laser Therapy enable optimal repair in acute injuries and its stimulation of the body's repair processes can reinvigorate healing in chronic cases and conditions.
Three key effects have been identified:
1. Healing growth factor response through:
Increased ATP and protein synthesis
Improved cell proliferation
Change in cell membrane permeability to calcium up-take
2. Pain relief through:
Increased endorphin release
Increased serotonin levels
Suppression of nociceptor action
3. Immune system support through:
Increasing levels of lymphocyte activity
Photomodulation of blood